Monday, June 30, 2014

Using Good Form While Hiking

When hiking, you should use good form and technics in order to prevent injury. When hiking people have a tendency to lean forward when walking uphill and lean backward when walking downhill. By doing so you will put a lot of strain on your back. Some useful techniques to remember while you’re hiking the trail is to have good posture and form. Be as upright as possible while on mild or moderate hills. With a steep decline you may require to lean ever so slightly, but be aware of how much weight is on your heels, which could cause your feet to slip out from under you. While walking up an incline, push upward and forward with your toes, while pumping your arms like a piston to propel your momentum upwards. For hiking downhill, relax your knees a little bit to allow them to absorb some of the impact.

If you have some stairs or a hill in your area, I’d suggest practicing before you go on a long hike. Don’t load your pack, but instead put just a little weight to get the feeling. Also wearing your hiking boots while practicing is also good idea since they are your foot wear of choice on the trail.

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