Tuesday, June 10, 2014

More Bikes, Less Cars

I believe that more bikes and less cars would make for a healthier and cleaner way of life. Previously I posted about a short bike ride I took to Red Hook, Brooklyn. I mentioned that the Citi bike program, where you can rent a bike at designated stations throughout New York City, is an easy and convenient means of transportation. The Citi bike program is a way for New York City to be healthier and happier. 

With less cars on the road, we will see a decrease in pollution, stress, noise and deaths. I have no doubt  that vehicles cause pollution, less vehicles means less intoxicating fumes our lungs breath in on a daily basis. The stress levels of New Yorkers is always intensified by driving. Sitting in four to five hours of traffic to go ten miles will stress anyone out, especially if it is a daily commute. Less cars means less sound. Imagine the sound of no traffic horns or engines roaring down your street? As for deaths, motorist hit pedestrians everyday, a decrease in vehicles is a decrease in deaths. 

New York City is a good place to start when thinking about decreasing the number of vehicles. Not every person can ride a bike and this is why New York City will work because of the City's transportation system in place. With trains, bio fueled busses and bikes we will see a happier and healthier New York.

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