Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Real Estate Agents Are Useless

Not to offend rental real estate agents, but I believe I will with this particular post. I have a hard time understanding what a rental real estate agent actually does besides taking a phone call, opening a door, and printing out a generic contract. When I have done half the work by finding the listing, calling an agent and showing up to the rental. How does this warrant 10% of an annual rent? It doesn’t and should be outlawed. This isn’t to say a rental real estate agent shouldn’t be paid for their time, but the compensation should fit the position.

My idea is when the day will come where technology will supersede the agent. People will no longer have to haggle with an agent like one haggles with a used car sales person. Imagine a virtual app that will give you directions to the home, unlock the door for you and give you an audio tour. I sure can, this will cut agents out and probably lower the coast of the home, since agents over price homes to make the most money for themselves.

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