Thursday, September 11, 2014

Benefits of Hiking with Groups

Since the start of my blog I have gone over where to hike within a reasonable distance to New York city. I have touched on what type of gear you should use and what to pack for short day hikes. What I haven’t gone over is and like to discuss is the benefits of being able to pick up your pack and explore the parks of New York State.

Living in the city you can forget that there is an entire world out there with no roads, cars or subways. No one yelling or dodging taxies. With a short train ride, bus or car you can be whisked away to the mountains. Walking threw the trails where you will enjoy the quietness of nature and learn to appreciate just how wonderful and close these parks are.

There are groups within New York City where individuals who want to get away. One in particular is the New York City Hiking Group found on As per their web page ,you can now sign up. It a good way to start since they are a social group who take beginners to experts. The hikes are scheduled and easy to follow along as to when they are coming up. Also people within the group will car pool which is great if you do not have a car.

Other avenues can to be to ask around your job or school and see who is interested in hiking. Sometimes you will be surprised to find many coworkers or class mates who are avid hikers. Or if you just enjoy the solitude of the wilderness then by all means go alone, but just let someone know where and when you are going to be safe.

In conclusion hiking can be a great way to escape from the confines of New York City. Bring a friend a family member or join a group to meet new people. Hiking has been beneficial to me and many others who forget that these parks are here for our enjoyment. Don’t let them go to waste. 

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